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National Association of Child Contact Centre Links


The following links may be useful and informative

Children’s Legal Centre - Promoting children’s rights. Website contains FAQs on contact with children. 0845 120 3747

Civil Legal Advice - Help on family issues, eg family mediation or if your child’s being taken into care . 0845 345 4 345

Counselling Directory - A confidential service that encourages those in need to seek help and to connect individuals with qualified counsellors in the UK

Counselling Directory - As above but with particular advice on Domestic Violence

Families Need Fathers - Provides information & support to parents. 020 7613 5060

Family Action - Provides information & help for disadvantaged and socially isolated families

Family Lives - Providing help and support in all aspects of family Life. Helpline 0808 800 2222

Family Mediators Association - gives separating couples an opportunity to decide for themselves what to do about their children and finances, with help and guidance from trained and impartial mediators

Gingerbread - main support systems for lone parents - self help groups & advice line. 0808 802 0925

Gingerbread Lone Parent Helpline - For information and free publications on the key issues faced by lone parents. 0800 018 5026

Grandparents Plus - Working with and for grandparents.  Advice Line 0300 123 7015

Match Mothers (Mothers Apart from their Children) - Self help support for mothers

Maypole Women - support for women and children during divorce and seperation

National Family Mediation - Help for families in conflict, especially those divorcing or separating Tel:- 0300 400 0636

National Domestic Violence Helpline - Offers support, help and information (including hostel information). 0808 2000 247

Relate - Counselling, Support and information for all relationships. 0300 100 1234 (National) 024 7622 5863 (Nuneaton)

Resolution - Association of family lawyers and other professionals committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes. 01689 820272

Reunite - Practical advice and info on parental child abduction & international custody disputes. Advice Line 0116 2556 234

Samaritans - Provide confidential emotional support to any person who is in emotional distress or at risk of suicide. 116 123

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